Riverwest 24 Hour Race
Milwaukee's Riverwest 24 Hour Bicycle Race is just 8 days away! The RW24 is held in Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood, and this year has already reached it's rider limit of 500 participants. Race classes include Solo, Tandem, Team A (2-6 riders sharing one bike), and Team B (2-6 riders using their own bike). The suggest route covers a 4.7 mile loop, but you are free to take your own route as long as each checkpoint is hit in order. Riders can gain two laps for completing "bonus" checkpoints. These are not revealed until race day, but have include shaving your head and getting a tattoo, so the 2-laps are definitely well earned. Although the race is full, there are still opportunities to volunteer, or just enjoy a great time in one of Milwaukee's greatest neighborhoods.
To volunteer contact Wendy: wendy@riverwest24.com
Race Time: July 30-31, 2010 | 7pm-7pm
2008 RW24 Trailer
RW24 Trailer from Riverwest 24 on Vimeo.
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