Nico VS Taxi - Bike Messenger Races Taxi Across Chicago
A few years ago when we first launched Fyxation, my brother and I were down in Chicago visiting bike shops and trying to spread the word about Fyxation. At the end of a long day we were hanging out having a beer in downtown Chicago and a messenger rolled up on his bike to pick up some food for a delivery. We struck up a conversation with the guy and to our surprise he knew all about our company, our Session 700 tire and some other stuff we were up to. We were totally stoked and after we exchanged contact info with the messenger, he took off into traffic to deliver the food he had just picked up.
Turns out the messenger was none other than Nico Deportago-Cabrera who over the last few years has made a name for himself as a cyclist and messenger and when he's not popping up in magazine ads he's traveling the world competing in messenger races and making deliveries for 4 Star Courier in Chicago. Nico just sent over a great quick video he shot for one his newest sponsors, Red Bull. Way to go Nico!
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